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  • Writer's pictureViveka

How Debate and Theater Relate

Hey, that rhymes.

Theater and Debate are 2 extra curriculars I've been doing for a long time and I enjoy a lot. Since I've dug deep in both, I've started to notice a lot of similarities in debate and theater. This made me wonder how far the similarities go.

The short answer is just that they both relate to public speaking, but it's not just public speaking. There's virtually nothing I can think of that sets them apart, other than the fact that debate is more factual while theater is usually fictional storytelling. You may think... "Oh, theater's different because you have to pretend to be someone you're not." But in formal debate, you often have to take on a side that you don't personally agree with and still argue it really well.

I can just hear people thinking "they're different because debate involves thinking on the spot strategically." But anyone who has experience being in a play knows that things go wrong. And you don't have control over it. When something inevitably goes wrong in the play, whether it be a lost prop or a forgotten line, everyone has to think proactively to figure out how to move on and keep things natural. "The Show Must Go On" as they say.

Both debate and theater involve teamwork, the former with a partner and the latter with a cast. Both involve coaching and take tons of rehearsal/prep to perfect, granted all good things take practice.

Nonetheless, even if you disagree about the similarities of these, the feelings are still very similar. That feeling when you flip for sides before a debate round starts, reading over your case one last time and getting mentally prepared. That feeling when you walk onto stage, the lights glaring at you, preventing you from seeing the audience, with your lines repeating in a loop in your head. Both those feelings are so similar. They're calming and comforting, while also being exhilarating and pumping you with adrenaline. That feeling. That feeling is unmatched.

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